
Growing Deeper Ministries exists as a faith blog to undergird women, wives in ministry, and couples as they walk out each of the stories God has designed for them.  I believe God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling and the best way to minister is through our own sufferings and the path life has taken us. I pray through this ministry by prayer, blogs, testimonies, bible study, and the sharing of my story you will indeed Grow Deeper in HIM!  I want you to know despite how difficult the path you’re on might be, there is HOPE!  Hope because of the Power of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls.  The most massive characters are seared with scars.”  Khalil Gibran

{Browse around our site and if you don’t find anything that “Grows you Deeper” in Jesus let us know how we can help!}